Star Wars the Emire Strikes Back Concept Art Falcon

This article details a subject that is considered canon.

"You lot've never heard of the Millennium Falcon?"
"Should I have?"
"It'due south the transport that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. I've outrun Imperial starships. Not the local bulk cruisers, heed y'all, I'm talking almost the large Corellian ships now. She'south fast enough for you, old man.
―Han Solo and Obi-Wan Kenobi [18]

The Millennium Falcon , originally designated YT 492727ZED and formerly known as the Stellar Envoy , was a Corellian YT-1300f low-cal freighter well-nigh famously used past the smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca, during and following the Galactic Civil War.

During the Falcon 'due south time in the possession of the smuggler Lando Calrissian, information technology accumulated numerous modifications in the name of convenience and luxury, including painted exterior paneling and a large escape pod. Even so, during Han Solo'south infamous record-breaking Kessel Run, in which he piloted the freighter for the first time, many of these additions were destroyed or lost, leaving the transport battered by the fourth dimension Solo won it from Calrissian presently afterwards in a game of sabacc. Its aged appearance nonetheless belied numerous advanced modifications to boost the ship'southward speed, weapons, and shields, including a hyperdrive engine among the fastest in the entire galaxy, enabling information technology to outrun Purple Star Destroyers. It also included sensor-proof smuggling compartments, which were used during the rescue of Princess Leia Organa in 0 BBY to evade Imperial stormtroopers. Afterwards, the Millennium Falcon saw further action when Solo chose to join the Insubordinate Alliance during the Boxing of Yavin, where information technology was able to sneak upwardly and burn on Darth Vader's TIE Advanced, allowing Luke Skywalker to fire the proton torpedo that destroyed the Expiry Star.

Subsequently Solo was captured on Bespin, Calrissian took control of the Falcon over again to search for him. In 4 ABY, following Solo's rescue, Calrissian flew the transport at the Battle of Endor, where it entered the DS-2 Death Star Ii Mobile Battle Station and aided in its destruction from within. Over the adjacent decades, the ship fell out of Solo'south hands and was stolen by a succession of criminals and thieves, ending up in the ownership of the trader Unkar Plutt on Jakku, a remote world in the Western Reaches. The Falcon was eventually stolen by the Force-sensitive scavenger Rey, quondam First Guild stormtrooper Finn, and Resistance droid BB-8 to escape the forces of the First Order in 34 ABY. Shortly thereafter, information technology was reunited with Solo and Chewbacca.

Following Solo's death soon after, the Millennium Falcon became a Resistance vessel piloted by its new owner, Rey, throughout much of the Commencement Guild-Resistance War. In 35 ABY, the ship was once over again captained by Calrissian during the Battle of Exegol, which saw a decisive victory for the Resistance and Jedi Guild, before being returned to Rey, who had been newly dubbed a Skywalker.


  • ane Clarification
    • ane.1 Engines
    • 1.2 Armament, hull, and shields
    • ane.iii Other systems and equipment
  • 2 History
    • 2.ane Early years
    • two.2 Galactic Ceremonious War
      • 2.2.1 A fateful trip
      • 2.ii.2 Escape from Hoth
      • 2.ii.3 Battle at Rendezvous Signal Delta-3
      • 2.two.4 Rescuing Han
      • ii.two.5 Battle of Endor
      • ii.ii.6 New Republic
    • 2.iii First Order/Resistance War
      • 2.iii.1 Reappearance
      • 2.three.2 Returned ownership
      • ii.3.3 The Resistance
      • 2.3.iv Stationed on Batuu
      • two.3.five Immediate repairs
      • 2.three.half-dozen End of the war
  • three Backside the scenes
  • 4 Appearances
    • Not-canon appearances
  • 5 Sources
  • 6 Notes and references
  • 7 External links

Description [ ]

"For once, sir, the Millennium Falcon really appears to be in expert working order."
―C-3PO, during the Assault on Cymoon [13]

Schematics of the Millennium Falcon

The Millennium Falcon was a YT-1300 calorie-free freighter of the YT-1300f variety.[1] Its basic shape was defined past two convex saucers welded together, a pair of front-facing mandibles and an outrigger-manner, side-mounted cockpit with transparisteel viewports. Autonomously from the shape of its chassis, the Falcon retained very piffling of its off-the-dock instrumentation. Because its successive owners either upgraded or downgraded every system according to their personal specifications, the freighter ended up becoming a unique ship.[11] These customizations, even so, came at the cost of reliability, and the Falcon was known to suffer frequent breakdowns in the heat of battle. After the round armed services-course sensor dish was lost during the Boxing of Endor, the dish was replaced with the base rectangular model which was originally supplied with the transport. During the Battle of Crait the Falcon over again lost its rectenna, and information technology was replaced with a military-course rectenna like to that of the one lost during the Boxing of Endor. Additionally, the Falcon had a dejarik tabular array featuring creatures found throughout the galaxy for the amusement of passengers and coiffure.[5]

Engines [ ]

"She'll make point v by lightspeed."
―Han Solo explains the Falcon 's lightspeed capabilities [18]

The Millennium Falcon 'south Girodyne SRB42 sublight engines were heavily modified through the addition of a SLAM overdrive that rerouted energy for acceleration bursts. As a effect, the transport could fly at a maximum speed of i,200 kilometer per hour in atmosphere and 3,000 One thousand in space.[8] The stock hyperdrive of the YT-1300 serial was replaced with a Isu-Sim SSP05.[1] Although the regular SSP05 was a Course ane hyperdrive, the i that equipped the Falcon had been jury-rigged "Vandangante way" into a Form 0.five drive[eleven]—twice as fast as virtually warships of the Galactic Empire.[10] Co-ordinate to Ralsius Paldora, the Millennium Falcon 'south hyperdrive failed 1.22 times more than the i on the YT-2400 low-cal freighter.[34] In addition to its renowned hyperdrive, which supposedly made the Falcon the "fastest ship in the milky way," the ship was equipped with a backup hyperdrive. Information technology was much slower than the primary engine and frequently took several weeks or months to attain the nearest star organisation.[1] A component of the engines was the engine coupling which acquired the Falcon to malfunction when misaligned.[45]

Armament, hull, and shields [ ]

"Whoa, two ST2 launchers? What the hell were y'all and Solo doing with my ship that made you install that much firepower?"
―Lando Calrissian, to Chewbacca [32]

The Falcon 's frontward mandibles housed the forward deflector shields, concussion missile launchers, and beam lamps.

The weaponry of the Millennium Falcon was normally suited for a much larger warship.[one] It included ii CEC AG-2G quad light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation cannons (one ventral and one dorsal) with enhanced light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation actuators and gas feeds, which gave them maximum range and damage. Between the forward mandibles, in that location were two Arakyd ST2 concussion missile tubes, each of which carried a four-missile magazine.[11] Additionally, a BlasTech Ax-108 "Ground Buzzer" blaster cannon mounted near the ventral boarding ramp immune its coiffure to defend the send while on the ground.[one] Duralloy plates salvaged from an Purple cruiser afforded the Falcon upper-case letter ship-form hull armor.[eleven]

The ship had iii deflector shield generators: the bow was protected from both lasers and concussion missiles past Torplex and Nordoxicon units, while a Kuat Drive Yards generator shielded the stern.[eleven]

The Falcon 's combination of sublight speed and maneuverability was comparable to most of the starfighters fielded by the Rebellion and Empire, while its shielding, hyperdrive, and heavy weapons were on par with those typically found on capital ships. These traits made it an ideal selection for Full general Lando Calrissian'south attack run inside the bowels of the Death Star during the Battle of Endor. The Falcon 'due south merely existent combat weakness was its sheer size in comparison to starfighters. Although the ship had squeezed through many narrow spots in its history, it even so lost the oversized sensor dish while trying to become through a particularly tight section of the Expiry Star's superstructure.

Other systems and equipment [ ]

The Falcon 's primary source of power was a Quadex ability core.[1]

Its main computer was made of three droid brains which identified themselves every bit the Millennium Collective.[46] The showtime droid brain was V5-T (a transport droid), the second from ED-4 (a slicer droid),[10] and the third from L3-37, which began equally an R3-series astromech droid brain, but was overlaid with information architecture from an espionage droid, protocol droid processors, and custom land-of-the-art coding.[46] [eight]

A pair of Gelieg 20m-cp Strobe/C-Beam Lamps, which flooded illumination outside the ship, were mounted on the tips of the front mandibles.[eleven] In case of emergency landing or crash on h2o, the Falcon was also equipped with flotation pontoons.[14]

The Falcon also had a static charge dissipator which could dissipate static charge on the ship. Merely when the dissipator burned out the Falcon would need immediate repairs.[45]

History [ ]

Early years [ ]

"If you decline, you die. He dies. The others on the ship, they all die. If you lot join with us, nosotros all tin live. The choice is simple."
"You tricked me."
"We couldn't have joined without you consenting to it. You made your determination a while agone. You lot just couldn't admit it. Nosotros are something different, now. Non merely the Falcon. Non simply L3. We are new."
―The Falcon and L3 antipodal about integrating [47]

The Millennium Falcon under Lando Calrissian's ownership

The YT-1300f light freighter[two] designated unit of measurement YT 492727ZED was built at Orbital Associates Facility 7,[48] a Corellian shipyard owned by the Corellian Engineering science Corporation more than xc years before the Battle of Starkiller Base.[2] As was intended, the send began its career as an intermodal tug pushing container in orbital freight yards.[1] It one time worked in the milky way'southward busiest spacelanes.[8] Just later the Battle of Coruscant information technology was docking in the Senate Office Building.[49] Inconsistent records from the Agency of Ships and Services indicate that the YT 492727ZED inverse ownership more than one time via unregistered transactions.[2]

During the Clone Wars, the freighter was property of the Republic Group. The YT 492727ZED was registered by the Democracy Group on the planet Ralltiir as the Stellar Envoy . At some point, either prior or during its buying under the Republic Group, a war machine-grade rectenna was installed on the Stellar Envoy. Presently after the terminate of the Clone Wars, the Stellar Envoy was involved in a collision with a bulk freighter and was seriously damaged. The wreckage was reconditioned by a salvager, who used several sections and modules from a scrapped YT-1300p freighter to repair the ship.[2]

Some time after the human gambler named Lando Calrissian won the YT 492727ZED in a game of sabacc, and registered the freighter under the name Millennium Falcon.[2] Calrissian modified the freighter, inside and out,[eleven] converting it into his own speedy sports vessel every bit Calrissian saw how powerful its freight-pushing engines were. Every bit such, Calrissian modified the two cargo mandibles at the forepart into an auxiliary transport launch, thus turning the plain freighter into a unique starship.[8] He as well once explained the controls to Brea Tonnika of the Tonnika sisters.[l]

When Calrissian was injured during a raid on Kessel, the smuggler Han Solo and Wookiee Chewbacca were left in control of the ship. During the escape from Kessel, Calrissian uploaded L3 to the Falcon as the ship'due south navigational system, assisting the crew in making the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs. During the Kessel run the ship was majorly damaged by Tie fighters, with one blasting a pigsty in the front end of the Falcon. Afterwards destroying the fighters Han slid the Falcon over an asteroid which destroyed two of the Falcon'south landing gears. Calrissian later took the heavily damaged ship after landing on Savareen but ended upwardly betting his ship in a "Corellian Spike" game of sabacc on Numidian Prime,[12] losing to the smuggler Han Solo.[51] Under the captaincy of Solo, the Falcon was further customized,[11] and he regularly claimed it was the fastest ship in the galaxy.[50]

Galactic Civil War [ ]

A fateful trip [ ]

"You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought."
―Leia Organa upon seeing the Millennium Falcon for the first time [eighteen]

The Millennium Falcon blasts its fashion out of Mos Eisley

The Millennium Falcon 's destiny as a tool for a small-time smuggling functioning was changed when information technology was chartered by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker in Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina for passage to Alderaan. When challenged by Kenobi about his ship's speed, Solo bragged that the Falcon was capable of attaining 0.v by lightspeed, and that it had completed the infamous Kessel Run in fewer than twelve parsecs.[18]

The journey to Alderaan proved to be much more than a simple passenger flight. The Falcon was forced to boom its way out of Mos Eisley when a garrison of stormtroopers attacked the ship in an effort to recover its cargo. It also narrowly avoided capture by a couple of Star Destroyers before making the bound to lightspeed.[xviii] Having also been on Tatooine, the Tonnika sisters had hoped to steal the Falcon to employ every bit their own transport. When the Falcon began its escape, it created a large enough distraction that the siblings realized they had the chance to steal any other nearby ship.[50]

The Falcon emerged from hyperspace into the remains of Alderaan. Afterward chasing a unmarried Tie fighter stranded in what appeared to be empty space, the Falcon was captured by one of the first Death Star'due south tractor beams and secured aboard the massive infinite station. Thanks to quick thinking past those aboard the Falcon, the ship was made to appear as if the crew had escaped before long later on taking off from Tatooine. It was searched past stormtroopers and it was reported that there were no passengers on board and the escape pods had been jettisoned. Their search had missed the crew, who were subconscious in a series of secret smuggling holds. They then killed a scanning crew before they could be detected by the scanner.[xviii]

In a affair of hours, the Millennium Falcon had once again escaped the Purple Navy, this time with the rescued Princess Leia Organa on lath. Afterward a fleeing battle with Imperial fighters and a trip through hyperspace, the transport arrived at the underground Alliance base of operations on Yavin iv. During the ship'due south stay on the battle station, the Empire had planted a homing device on board the Falcon, which it used to pursue Organa to this location. Every bit the Rebels scrambled to organize a preemptive assault on the massive Death Star, Solo loaded his reward on board the Falcon and departed the moon. However, thanks to Chewbacca, its smuggler helm had a alter of centre. Solo and his ship returned just in time to comprehend Skywalker in his concluding-ditch effort to destroy the station and secure the condom of the Rebel Alliance. The ship's surprise attack destroyed Darth Vader's two wingmen and sent Vader himself spinning off into space, allowing Skywalker to successfully consummate his attack and destroy the Death Star.[18]

Escape from Hoth [ ]

"Punch it!"
―Han Solo to Chewbacca [iv]

Millennium Falcon blasts out of Echo Base

Iii years later on the Battle of Yavin, the Falcon was undergoing repairs in the principal hangar of the Insubordinate installation Echo Base every bit the Empire began its assault on Hoth. Every bit the Alliance scrambled to escape the base, Solo and Chewbacca hurried to make the send spaceworthy. Organa was cutting off from her transport by a tunnel cave-in and was forced to brand her escape from Hoth on board the Falcon accompanied past Solo, Chewbacca, and C-3PO. Solo used the ship's uncanny maneuverability and his piloting skills to elude an Imperial Star Destroyer chasing them, and two more emerging from hyperspace. Solo'south maneuvers in the Falcon caused the two Star Destroyers budgeted and the one pursuing to virtually collide with each other. The Falcon and then attempted to make the jump into lightspeed, only was stopped short by an equipment malfunction.[4]

Forced to have desperate measures to avert capture, Solo made the decision to airplane pilot the Falcon into a nearby asteroid field in an attempt to lose the Royal pursuers. All the same, his repairs were cut short as he had unknowingly landed inside a space slug. Escaping just in time every bit the beast's huge mouth was closing, the Falcon was discovered by the Majestic 2-form Star Destroyer Avenger. They attempted to jump to lightspeed merely in one case once again, the hyperdrive was not fully repaired. Solo then had Chewbacca alter grade and fly directly at Avenger 'due south span in an apparent suicidal set on run. The ship disappeared from sight and became undetectable to Avenger. Information technology had not gone far: Solo had attached the Falcon to a blind spot on the conning tower of the Star Destroyer. Adhering to standard Imperial procedure, the Star Destroyers of Death Squadron ejected all flake and garbage earlier entering hyperspace. Solo then signaled Chewbacca to release the ship's landing claws, allowing the Falcon to "bladder away with the remainder of the garbage." Boba Fett, however, saw through this ruse, and waited behind in the Slave I, following the Falcon as it left the system.[4]

The Falcon is pursued every bit it flees Cloud City.

Subsequently its close encounter with the Empire, the Falcon journeyed to Bespin's Deject Metropolis, where Solo'southward erstwhile associate Calrissian held the position of Baron Administrator. The Empire had arrived commencement, nonetheless, due to Fett tailing the Falcon to Bespin. The crew of the Falcon were captured, tortured, and detained. Solo was encased in carbonite and given to the compensation hunter. The remaining members of the crew, joined by Calrissian, escaped to the Falcon. After rescuing Skywalker, who was dangling from a weather vane on the underside of Cloud City, the transport left the planet and attempted to spring to lightspeed. The coiffure were unaware that the recently repaired hyperdrive had been disabled by Vader's men, and only a last-minute patch by R2-D2 prevented the Falcon from falling into Imperial hands. Thanks to R2's efforts, the hyperdrive was activated and the Falcon managed to make the jump at the last second and escape.[4]

Battle at Rendezvous Point Delta-Iii [ ]

"But this isn't your ship. With Han gone, I'chiliad commandeering it for the Rebel fleet, which ways yous don't get a say in where it goes."
―Leia Organa, to Lando Calrissian [32]

After the events on Deject City, Organa, Skywalker, Calrissian, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2 all were in the[32] primary hold,[2] although Skywalker sabbatum thinking nearly what had happened, as he learned that Vader was actually his father. Chewbacca and Calrissian were discussing Solo, with the latter questioning what they would have washed if the Falcon had caught up with Slave I, noting that firing Fett'south ship out of the sky would take killed Solo. Calrissian likewise spoke to Organa and told her that they missed their hazard to catch Fett considering she made them go Skywalker, who Organa introduced as the man who destroyed the Death Star. Calrissian promised that they would rescue Solo, as both he and Chewbacca understood Fett was taking their friend to Jabba. When Skywalker joined the conversation and asked where Solo was, Organa told him about what happened and promised that they would find him. After she asked what had happened to him, Skywalker only told her that Kenobi had non answered his phone call.[32]

The Falcon makes an attack run against the lite cruiser

Organa had R2-D2 give Chewbacca coordinates for the Rebel fleet, and, with Solo gone and Calrissian not being the ship'due south owner, she commandeered the Falcon for the Alliance. Even so, when they arrived at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three, the gathered Alliance ships were nether assault from the Empire. Upon seeing the Falcon, the Imperial commander, Ellian Zahra, ordered a TIE fighter squadron and all non-essential turbolaser batteries to target the freighter. Aboard the send, Organa and Skywalker, despite his missing hand, moved to the gunning stations, while Chewbacca and Calrissian served equally the pilots. Skywalker, notwithstanding, began to be distracted past thinking near Kenobi and Vader, but he then used the Force on the TIEs, ripping the controls from the pilots' hands, assuasive them to deviate from their course and collide with each other; giving Organa a gamble to blast them. Calrissian and Chewbacca and then made their assail run on an Arquitens-form command cruiser and, using the Falcon 's missiles, destroyed the ship'southward gun emplacements, making an opening for the Rebels to escape to fill-in Rendezvous Point Gamma-Nine.[32]

After the boxing, Zahra explained to Vader that the Falcon had disrupted their attack. She told the Nighttime Lord of the Sith that they attempted to destroy the vessel, but Vader informed her that the Falcon was off-limits. He permitted her to kill Organa if she was able to, as he had no employ for her, only Vader explained to her that there was someone else who was often aboard the Falcon. He warned Zahra that, if this individual, who was secretly his son Skywalker, was killed, there would exist significant consequences.[32]

Rescuing Han [ ]

During the following months, the Falcon served as home base of operations to Organa, Skywalker, and Calrissian as they tracked Fett in an attempt to relieve Solo.[source?] After they successfully rescued Han, the Falcon rendezvoused with the Alliance Armada and prepared to set on the newest Death Star.[33]

Battle of Endor [ ]

"Look, I want you lot to take her. I mean it, take her! You need all the aid you tin can get; she's the fastest send in the armada!"
―Han Solo, to Lando Calrissian [33]

The Falcon leads the starfighter set on during the Battle of Endor.

During the Battle of Endor, Calrissian and Sullustan copilot Nien Nunb flew the Falcon as Aureate Leader. Afterward the planetary shield protecting the second Decease Star was destroyed, the Falcon and several Alliance fighters entered the battle station through a conduit port and headed towards the reactor cadre. Space was limited in the conduit tunnels leading to the core, and the relatively large Falcon lost its sensor dish when the send clipped a conduit in the tunnel. Calrissian was able to pilot the craft into the free energy core housing the principal reactor, fired upon the reactor, and headed for the exhaust port. The Falcon barely outran the massive explosion that destroyed the powerful boxing station. Soon afterwards, the Purple fleet retreated, and the milky way celebrated the death of Emperor Palpatine.[33]

New Commonwealth [ ]

Several months later, Solo and Chewbacca traveled through space on the Millennium Falcon. Subsequently receiving intelligence from Imra that the Empire had reduced their presence on the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk due to the advances of the New Republic, Solo and Chewie traveled to Warrin Station to rally smugglers and Wookiee exiles for a campaign to liberate Kashyyyk.[40] Around this time, Han Solo replaced the Falcon'due south sensor dish with a rectangular civilian model.[35]

However, this data turned out to exist a trap set by the Empire. Chewie was captured, but Solo managed to escape on the Falcon. A year later, Solo corresponded with his married woman Organa via hologram on the border of Wild Infinite. During the conversation, the Falcon came under assault, and advice was lost with Organa. In response, Organa dispatched the New Commonwealth starfighter airplane pilot Norra Wexley to rescue her husband. Norra was joined past her son, Temmin Wexley, the B1-serial battle droid Mister Bones, the former Imperial Sinjir Rath Velus, the Zabrak bounty hunter Jas Emari, and the New Republic Special Forces soldier Jom Barell.[35]

The Millennium Falcon after the Boxing of Endor

Norra and her team found Solo and the Falcon on the planet Irudiru. Subsequently interrogating the Siniteen prison house builder Golas Aram, Solo and his allies traveled on the Falcon and Emari's transport Halo to the Kashyyyk system. They bluffed their mode through the Majestic blockade by posing as a repair coiffure working at Ashmead'southward Lock, an automated prison house on the far side of Kashyyyk. In that location, they managed to free Chewbacca and a hundred other prisoners including Norra's husband Brentin Lore Wexley. Norra, Temmin, and the prisoners except Chewbacca then used the Falcon to travel back to the New Democracy capital of Chandrila.[35]

Subsequently learning that the Wookiee uprising was underway and that the Empire was orbitally bombarding Kashyyyk, Organa convinced the Alderaanian airplane pilot Evaan Verlaine to wing her on the Millennium Falcon into the Kashyyyk organization to aid her husband and Chewie. After, she contacted the New Commonwealth Helm Wedge Antilles and convinced him to transport his Phantom Squadron there.[35]

During the cursory infinite skirmish, Organa and Verlaine flew circles effectually the Imperial Star Destroyers. Later on the Imperials capitulated, Organa landed the Falcon in the hangar of the Star Destroyer Dominion, which her married man had captured. Organa used the ship's light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation cannons to blast several stormtroopers who were still putting up a fight. Later on reuniting with her hubby, Organa and Solo took the Falcon to Kashyyyk. In that location, they parted company with Chewbacca before returning to Chandrila.[35]

Prior to the Battle of Jakku, Temmin tried to convince Solo to lend him the Millennium Falcon so that he could travel to Jakku to rescue his mother Norra, who was hunting for the Imperial fugitive Grand Admiral Rae Sloane. Subsequently some haggling, Solo and Organa relented. Temmin and Velus attempted to depart on the Falcon but were prevented from leaving Chandrila by Senate Guards. While Temmin and Velus initially believed that Solo had double-crossed them, they later learnt that Senator Tolwar Wartol, a political opponent of Chancellor Mon Mothma, was the true culprit and had been spying on Solo and Organa's conversations. The Millennium Falcon later saw activity during an operation on Nakadia to rescue the slicer Conder Kyl and Nim Tar's child.[52]

First Club/Resistance State of war [ ]

Reappearance [ ]

"The garbage volition do!"
―Rey, beingness forced to board the Falcon during the escape from Jakku [5]

The Falcon fends off Necktie Fighter burn during the Escape from Jakku

At some bespeak in the years following the Boxing of Jakku,[53] Solo traveled to Maz Kanata's castle on Takodana to speak with Kanata. While the pair were conversing, a Nikto named Gannis Ducain offered to co-airplane pilot for Solo afterwards overhearing that Chewbacca was with his family and that Solo was brusk-handed for a task. After accepting Ducain's offer, he and Solo went to Christophsis, where Ducain stole the Falcon.[54] It was later stolen by Toursant Irving and Vanver Irving—also known as the Irving Boys—earlier finally ending up in the possession of junk boss Unkar Plutt on Jakku.[53] Around thirty ABY,[source?] he had information technology stored at Niima Outpost. The collector Karr Nuq Sin traveled to Jakku in his quest to learn about the Jedi Guild, and he and his friend Maize Raynshi boarded the ship. Nuq Sin had a vision of Skywalker and Kenobi preparation aboard it after touching the remote.[55] In Plutt'due south possession, it would sit unused for years in Niima Outpost. Plutt paid for minimum maintenance for the send with the intention of preparing information technology fully for flying only in the event that he would actually find a heir-apparent.[53]

Returned ownership [ ]

"Y'all tell him Han Solo just stole dorsum the Millennium Falcon for good."
―Han Solo [v]

Han Solo and Chewbacca one time over again accept buying of the Falcon.

In 34 ABY, Rey, Finn, and BB-8 stole the vessel to escape an attack from the Beginning Order on the outpost. While in spaceflight, the Falcon was picked upward by Solo and Chewbacca's sensors, and they promptly locked down the Falcon 'due south systems and then they could recapture it using a freighter they were and then using for their smuggling operations. Upon boarding their old vessel, Solo and Chewie went about inspecting their ship and found Rey and Finn hiding, who they assumed were the thieves that had stolen the Falcon. When Rey and Finn explained that they were going to take BB-eight to the Resistance as he had a map that would reveal Skywalker'south location, Solo and Chewie agreed to help them. Solo was impressed with how much Rey knew about the ship itself, and how it worked.[v]

On the way to Kanata's castle, when the Falcon began to malfunction, the mechanically savvy Rey, who was sitting in the cockpit to the correct of Solo, made a modification to the ship by but bypassing a faulty compressor. Later, the Falcon 's crew arrived at Takodana and met Maz Kanata.[five]

The Resistance [ ]

"Blow that slice of junk out of the heaven!!"
―Kylo Ren [36]

The Millennium Falcon departing Takodana

Following the set on on Kanata's castle, Starkiller Base of operations prepared to burn on D'Qar. After learning of this, the Resistance devised a programme to sneak onto the surface and lower the planetary shields so their fighters could attack the superweapon's weak spot. Using the Falcon, Solo, Chewbacca, and Finn infiltrated the base, lowered the shields, and reunited with Rey, who had been captured on Takodana by the Beginning Order.[5]

While the Millennium Falcon lay fallow, it was briefly spotted by members of the Resistance's J-Squadron who were flight a stolen Necktie silencer into the planet. At to the lowest degree two of its members speculated on whether it could be the Millennium Falcon that they'd heard so many stories most, but at the time they could non confirm whether it was.[56]

Later on the confrontation with Kylo Ren post-obit the death of his own father, Han Solo, Chewbacca rescued Finn and Rey aboard the Falcon, managing to escape the planet as information technology exploded. After learning of Skywalker's location, Rey, Artoo, and Chewbacca flew in the Falcon to Ahch-To, the remote planet where he had gone into self-exile.[5] Chewbacca and R2 remained with the Falcon while Rey attempted to persuade Skywalker to bring together the Resistance, though Luke slipped aboard the old freighter to reminisce, and was reminded of what was at pale when Artoo replayed the hologram Leia Organa recorded to recruit Obi-Wan Kenobi on her underground mission to Tatooine some thirty-four years earlier.[36]

The Falcon led the Offset Club TIEs away from Resistance forces.

Rey subsequently departed the island, believing herself capable of restoring Ben Solo to the lite side of the Force, and used one of the freighter's escape pods to reach the Supremacy while Chewbacca piloted the Falcon to Crait. After Snoke'southward death, Rey returned to the Falcon using Snoke's escape vessel, and the YT-1300 participated in the Battle of Crait. Piloted by Chewie with the dorsal turret manned by Rey, the Falcon led Necktie fighters away from the Resistance V-4X-D ski speeders attempting to destroy the First Order's superlaser siege cannon. The freighter lost its radar dish during a chase through Crait's subterranean caverns. The Falcon was later used to evacuate surviving Resistance personnel from the Crait outpost while Luke Skywalker bought his allies time past confronting Kylo Ren.[36] After the battle, Rey spent a lot of fourth dimension walking the corridors of the Falcon, thinking about how much history information technology had.[48]

Stationed on Batuu [ ]

"Now, at that place are plenty of Corellian freighters in the galaxy. But but one has fabricated the Kessel Run in twelve parsecs! Simply ane has destroyed the mighty Decease Star! And only one was captained by the legendary Han Solo! That ship is the Millennium Falcon, and it belongs to me."
―Hondo Ohnaka [57]

The Falcon on Batuu.

Some time after the battle, the Millennium Falcon landed on Batuu, where Hondo Ohnaka made a deal with Chewbacca and hired a temporary crew for the ship to accept part in i of Ohnaka'south endeavors.[58]

Immediate repairs [ ]

Rey, Finn, BB-8, and Chewbacca were transporting the Togruta smuggler Moebin Faltus on the Falcon when the transport started to feel issues. Rey believed that the engine coupling had a slight misalignment but upon further investigation she discovered the static charge dissipator had completely burned out. She decided that the Falcon would have to brand an immediate pit stop on the planet Choss to look for a new dissipator with Faltus, while Finn and Chewie repaired the freighter.[45]

End of the war [ ]

At some point, the Falcon had its original[source?] circular Rectenna dish reinstalled afterwards it lost its rectangular one at the Boxing of Crait and a new lower Quad light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation cannon. Following Palpatine's circulate, Finn, Poe Dameron, Chewbacca, R2-D2, and Klaud arrived at the Sinta Glacier Colony to see a Resistance informant, the Ovissian Boolio, ordering them to relay a message to Leia from spy inside the First Guild. Several squadrons of Special Forces TIE fighters and Necktie whisper fighters subsequently arrived at the colony, preparing to destroy the Falcon. As Finn prepared for the action and entered the gunner cockpit, Boolio jested that a worthy thanks for the information provided would be to win the war. Forced to travel into the depths of the colony past a wall of TIEs, the Falcon destroyed a number of its pursuers before jumping to hyperspace through one of the colony'south walls. The remaining fighters pursued the Falcon regardless, with Dameron offset to lightspeed skip through a number of systems, whose dangers the First Order pilots were unable to evade.[39]

Dameron's disrespect allowed him to out maneuver the enemy, though his reckless play a trick on-flying heavily damaged the Falcon, causing multiple fires both within and exterior of the send. Upon returning to the Resistance base of operations on Ajan Kloss, Rey berated a fatigued Dameron for this, though he rebuffed her past noting that his favored droid BB-8 was in similarly poor status due to her earlier grooming accident. Rey dismissed the pilot, quipping that he was a difficult man, before hugging Finn, who jokingly joined her in condemning his companion. Although Rey was farther angered by the revelation that Dameron lightspeed skipped with the Falcon, a maneuver that the crumbling freighter could not support, Dameron admitted the true cause of his concern: Rey was "the best fighter [the Resistance had]," but she had spent her time preparation and furthering her knowledge of the Force rather than participating in the state of war against the First Social club.[39]

Later learning that Darth Sidious had returned, and that the Last Club, a massive fleet of Xyston-class Star Destroyers congenital by the Sith Eternal, was on Exegol, Rey learned from Luke Skywalker's notes that a Sith wayfinder could lead them there. Leia revealed that an marry on Pasaana may be able to help. Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, BB-eight, and C-3PO departed in the Millennium Falcon equally information technology underwent repairs.[39]

The First Order later captured the Falcon, Chewbacca, and the dagger; attempting to salvage Chewbacca, Rey accidentally destroyed a Beginning Gild transport with Force lightning. Presuming that Chewbacca has been killed, the group escaped on Ochi's ship. The Falcon was later carried past a grouping of TIE fighters to the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Steadfast.[39]

Poe suggested traveling to the planet Kijimi to have the Sith text extracted from C-3PO'southward memory. Although the process would wipe the droid's memory, the coordinates to the wayfinder would exist revealed. The Steadfast later arrived on Kijimi, with Rey sensing that Chewbacca was, in fact, still live and that the Falcon was onboard the Star Destroyer. The group and then mounted a rescue mission.[39]

Equally Rey searched for the dagger to get more than clues, the group later rescued Chewbacca but managed to get themselves captured. General Hux was then revealed to be the Starting time Order spy, having leaked data to the Resistance in order to bring virtually the downfall of Kylo Ren'southward dominion.[39]

Ren subsequently arrived and initiated a Forcefulness bond with Rey, in which he revealed that she was Sidious' granddaughter, with her begetter beingness the son of the Emperor. Kylo in one case again asked Rey to join him, but she refused and escaped in the Falcon.[39]

Having discerned the location of the Sith wayfinder, the grouping traveled to Kef Bir, a moon within the Endor system. Kylo Ren subsequently arrived on Kef Bir, destroyed Rey'southward wayfinder and dueled with the scavenger. Dying, Leia chosen to Kylo through the Force, distracting him long enough for Rey to seize the opportunity to impale him with his own lightsaber. Sensing Leia'due south death and feeling compassion for the injured Ren, Rey healed the conflicted Supreme Leader and eventually took his transport in guild to exile herself on Ahch-To.[39]

The group, save for Rey, returned to base. The Resistance then followed Rey'due south coordinates to Exegol, as she traveled to confront her destiny and Sidious, at the behest of the Force spirit Luke Skywalker, by flying his old T-65B 10-wing starfighter there. Lando and Chewbacca, sought to assemble allies of the Resistance for the final battle against the Sith, traveled to the core worlds.[39]

The Millennium Falcon arrives on Exegol with a massive makeshift starship armada made upwardly of people from beyond the galaxy.

The Falcon later arrived at Exegol, leading the Citizens' Fleet comprised of many Resistance ships from systems all across the galaxy, confronting the extensive forces of the Sith Eternal. Finn and the Kef Bir native Jannah led an assail onboard the hull of the Steadfast, the control transport of the boxing. They successfully the destroyed the command bridge and prevented the Sith armada from leaving Exegol. As the Steadfast was almost to crash, the Falcon promptly rescued Finn and Jannah. The Resistance and then destroyed the remaining forces of the Sith Eternal.[39]

With the Final Order destroyed by the combined forces of the Exegol strike squad and the galaxy fleet, Rey and the Resistance emerged victorious, left Exegol to return to Ajan Kloss. Rey, accompanied by BB-8, later on took the Falcon to Tatooine, to visit Luke Skywalker'south erstwhile, abandoned home. She then buried Anakin'south and Leia's lightsabers below the sands of the homestead, having built her own.[39]

Backside the scenes [ ]

The Millenium Falcon kickoff appeared in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the commencement installment of the Star Wars original trilogy. In the scenes with Lando Calrissian and Nien Nunb in the Falcon in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, the set of the transport was rocked to stimulate the Falcon's flight.[59]

Unused concept fine art of the Millennium Falcon with cargo pods for Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Incredible Cross-Sections

It was speculated that the Millennium Falcon would make an appearance in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith to further tie the prequel trilogy to the original trilogy, and the ship did indeed brand a cameo in the movie. At the kickoff of ane shot endmost in on a docking bay on Coruscant, a YT-1300 freighter is seen flight in to dock. George Lucas confirmed that information technology was the Millennium Falcon and not merely another send of the same course.[60]

For the Star Wars Anthology film Solo: A Star Wars Story, the interior Falcon sets were the same ones used in Star Wars: Episode VII The Forcefulness Awakens and Star Wars: Episode Viii The Terminal Jedi, although they were redressed. These sets were augmented with the addition of extra sets depicting Lando Calrissian's quarters and cape cupboard.[61]

The Falcon 's series number

For Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Incredible Cross-Sections, the author Jason Fry intended for the volume to include information about the freighter serial beingness able to act as a cargo pusher, just was unable to become the epitome in time.[62] This information was later added to the YT-1300 Millennium Falcon Owners' Workshop Transmission.

The infographic Fictional Travel Times estimated that the Millennium Falcon, with its course 0.5 hyperdrive, can travel at 6.xiii quadrillion miles per hr, and that it may be capable of traveling from ane galaxy to another within 100 days.[63]

In Episode IV, the Millennium Falcon had only three landing gear legs but v landing gear legs in Episode Five. Solo fixes this by revealing the Millennium Falcon had v landing gear legs but two were lost during the Kessel Run.[12]

Appearances [ ]

Non-canon appearances [ ]

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